Saturday, November 22, 2008

Crochet Bug

All right, I suppose there really is no excuse for me not writing for EVER. But I got the Crochet Bug. I've been crocheting and working on projects for a long time now, seems like forever. I'm busy making gifts and stuff for the holidays, scarves and wryest warmers and stuff like that. And I've been sick, and I have been trying to go to the gym. I didnt go at all this week, ugh. Margaret is gonna KILL me.

Oh, 101th post. Happy Happy Joy Joy....

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Veterans Day

"Sing a song for unsung heroes, those who lay their dreams aside. Choosing honor more than glory, pledging faith with quite pride. Those who's uniform is courage, and are unafraid of tears. Finding in their love of freadom power stronger than their fears."

Today is Veterans day. A day where we celebrate all those loyal men and women who served for us in all the wars past. The above quote is from a song that I sung today during our Veterans Day Program. It was an hour long program, but I didnt mind because I thought it was beautiful. So I jsut wanted to wish you all, Happy Veterans Day. Make sure that you thank your local soldiers!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Senior Pix

Hey everyone! I finally got coppies of my Senior Pictures up onto my computer. Let me know what you think!

Monday, November 3, 2008


Well its November. And NaNoWriMo is in full swing. Writers from all over the world are busy at their keyboards and using programs such as Q10 to hide their mistakes and such. Where am I? WAAAAAY back at the beginning. I havnt even started yet. *sigh* I dont know how.

Mike's home again, but I dont know how much help it did him to be in the hospital. Things havnt changed much, and I'm starting to feel that I went through all that troubble for nothing. Oh well. Everyone keeps telling me I did the right thing but i dont know. We'll see what happens.

Umm....Its already the end of the first semester, and I'm behind in all my major classes. I dont know how to catch up. *sigh*