Monday, June 23, 2008

Blarg: Episode 5



Well, my dear readers, finally the countdown is once again close. In ten days, I will be in his arms again. Ten days, and I will be sitting with him at his grandparent's place. Ten days. And I'm fucking terrified. 

I know I shouldn't be. I mean, we've seen each other before. But it’s the resistance that we are meeting that is driving me bonkers. His parents hate me. They really do. I don't care what he says they think of me, they hate me. Because of what I did. I gave him hickeys. And, I'm not the little church girl that they imagined him settling down with. *sigh* he thinks that they'll come around-eventually. I think that maybe his dad, but I'm not sure. I mean, I respect parents. We had this conversation last night. I respect parents more than anything else in the entire world. I don't have a mom. So someday, I was hoping to go shopping with his mom. You know, if this relationship were to work out. Which we both think it will. But I have a feeling that it’s going to be very difficult. His mom said that if we're still together in about 4 or 5 years she'll be behind us. But, we're only 6 months into our relationship.

I love him with all my heart. I feel like I found the one person that respects me as I should respect myself. He's helped me so much in so many different things. My confidence has soared since i met him. And my feelings for him grow with each passing day. I'm just afraid of his parents, and what they could do to us. They could split us up at just a whim. Or, at least, try. He’s told me that he won’t let that happen again. Let’s just hope.

In other news, my little brother is being a dick. He won’t do anything around the house except moan and groan and play computer games. He won’t take his blood sugar, which is the most important thing in the world. He could die if he didn't take his blood sugar. But I don't think he realizes that. Or maybe he does and doesn't care.

Court is coming up soon. This Thursday, in fact. Basically what we're going to do is reiterate what we came up with in the beginning of the month. i'm going to be paying a fine for the disorderly conduct, which was a bogus charge in the first place. But i just want this over with so what ever.  I don’t much care anymore.

Um, lets see….what else has been going on….well, I’ve been sick. Because of my damn tooth. I had a root canal awhile back, I’m not even sure exactly when. The pain is starting to subside (thank God) and I’m finally able to function normally again. I still sleep more than I probably should, but what ever. Its summer, so who cares?

Yeah I still work at McDonalds. Though I haven’t worked for awhile, actually. I work this weekend for a few hours before I go to see Jake on the 3rd. So I’ll have a little spending money. Grandma doesn’t know if she’s going to be able to give me any money when I go.

I know I know I just finished talking about this but I need to spit this out. I’m afraid of the trip back because I have a 4 hour layover in the cities. *shudder* I hate people. And I’m afraid of what might happen to me while I’m there. Granted, I have a 45 minute layover on the way there, but that’s just 45 minutes. I can handle that. *sigh* yeah, long entry. I’m done rambling now.

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Countdown

Well, this is it. Slowly approching. I'm going to see Jake on the 3 of July. Got the tickets and everything. Counting down the days. Hours. Minutes. God I hope his grandparents like me. I keep thinking I'll screw up. And I'm scared. What if I say something wrong? What if I miss my bus? I...I dont know....Grandma's still trying to convince me not to go. I want to go. But I'm scared.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Old Assignment

my writers workshop teacher is making us write a story from another person's point of view on an event in history. an important event, at least to the writer. so i chose the death of my mother. if you do not like sad stories, do not read any further. this story is from my grandmother's point of view.

At one point in everyone’s life, you realize that reality is not all fun and games. Your dad is not the strongest man in the world, nor is he the bravest, nor is he invincible. Your mother does not make the best food in the world, and she’s not superwoman. Your grandparents are not immortal. Actually, nothing really is. Usually you find this out at an age where it doesn’t come as quite a shock. When its much easier to understand what’s going on around you, and when you can cope with the reality. Unfortunately, I did not have the luxury. I am here to tell you a story. Not just any story, but one that is very dear and important to me. I will say here and now I will not tolerate anyone making fun of me for writing this because I refused to become part of the ‘norm’. The story I am here to tell you is that of my mother’s. And about the day she died. This is my story, but from a different point of view. My mother’s mother, my grandmother, has allowed me to tell you the story from her standpoint. My name is Regina Rogalski, and I have just turned 80 years old. I have raised four generations of children, including the grandchildren that are now living with me. My husband, Chester, just passed away not three years ago, and his death is still a blow to my heart. But I shall never forget the day that my baby girl died. Sandra. She was my youngest, you know. Born five years after my son. We didn’t think she was going to make it, but miraculously she pulled through despite the odds. Oh how I loved to watch my children run and play and work, always doing something. They would help their father, my husband, with anything that he asked them to.
We lived out on a farm, about three miles out of town here. Chet built everything on that place with his own two hands, including the house, the sheds, and the barn. The children helped him along the way, of course, when they were not going to school.
The years past, and I watched as my little babies grew into fine adults. My two oldest married off at a young age, and I thought Sandi would follow suit. But instead, always the different, she went and got pregnant. Mind you that I love Patrick with all my heart, but she was very young. Very, very young. And the young boy who got her pregnant wanted her to have an abortion. Certainly not! Not on my watch. Boy I tell you, that boy was run out of town by my husband and his brothers faster than you could say Dupa.
So she had her first child. A boy, Patrick Rogalski. A fine young man with an amazing personality, and always got himself into trouble, not unlike his youngest sibling now. Eventually, Sandi went and got married to a man named Howard, though I did not approve.
“Watch yourself, Sandi,” I said, “That man will turn on you someday. I don’t have a very good feeling about him. You know that I’m right.”
“Oh, don’t worry mom. Howie’s a very nice man. And he’ll be a big help out on the farm, bringing in big money from the trucking business.”
Well, even with my disapproval, we had a quiet wedding out at the farm in springtime. Nothing fancy, just the close family and a few friends. Low and behold, not a year later, my Sandi was pregnant again. This time with a girl, whom also gave us quite a scare. Nicole Regina Anderson, born on Valentines Day, 1991. Sandi was about twenty nine by then, and her boy was about 13. Later, two years after Nikki’s birth, Sandi had another boy, Michael.
Right according to my words, that Howard did nothing good. Yes he was trucking, but his money was going up in smoke, if you know what I mean. And poor Sandi was supporting three kids all by herself. Naturally Chet and I stepped in. We took in the kids and had them live in the house, and they knew that as home. Sandi and Howie lived in a trailer not five feet away, and the kids would go over and play with the cats or something, just to spend some time with their momma.
Those were the happy days. The kids were going to the catholic school, and Patrick had just graduated from high school. Sandi was having some problems with her heart around that time. But it was nothing unusual for this family. I mean, the kids got a double whammy from Chet and I because on my side we have cancer, lung disease, heart disease, and cholesterol. Chets family had that and more, so it was expected that the kids would have problems. Our oldest daughter, Marie, was diagnosed with Diabetes at a very young age. Our son, Ronny, had stomach and problems due to alcohol poisoning at a young age. And Sandi. Well, Sandi was hypoglycemic, meaning she had to have sugar on a regular basis or else she’d pass out. So, yes, she had problems, but nothing we couldn’t handle.
But that day was…different. My Sandi had called in the middle of the night to tell me not to put the kids on the bus. She wanted to take them to school. Which was fine with me, it was always a fight to get the kids up so early. But it was unusual for her to call to tell me. Usually, I’d see her in the morning, before the bus came for the kids. But that day was different. She was later than usual, the bus had been long gone by the time she came home. She came into the house, and she looked tired. Exhausted, really. She came in and she went to stand by the sink, like she normally did. The kids were eating, and my granddaughter Nikki went to stand by her mother. Sandi and I stared talking about the news, the weather, and the kids’ health. I noticed she kept stroking Nikki’s hair, as if she was trying to comfort her. Nikki obviously didn’t mind nor notice, so I decided not to say anything. Then she said something that I wish I would have acted on:
“Mom, I’m having chest pains again. Nothing happened today at work, but when I went out to the car I almost passed out. I was so scared, mom. I think that my shunts are closing up again.”
I told her to go to the emergency room, but she refused, smiling like she always did and assured me it was probably nothing. I’ll never forget that conversation as long as I live.
Well, Nikki was bugging Sandi to do her hair, so Sandi took her into the living room to fix the pigtails that she insisted on doing herself. I helped Chet with his breakfast, wished the kids a good day at school, and watched my daughter leave with her children. That was the last time I saw her alive that day.
The rest of the day went by uneventfully. I did my cleaning, watched my game shows, talked to my kids on the phone. And then Sandi called me, after she had come home from dropping the kids off. That was unusual, because usually she just came over to talk to me. But we talked anyway, and she told me about things that usually a mother wouldn’t be worried about until her children were out of high school. She told me that if anything were to happen to her, she wanted Patrick to have legal custody of his brother and sister. I laughed it off and told her she wouldn’t have to worry. But she insisted on telling me, and said that she went to change her will last week. She was scaring me. My baby, talking about death? That was unheard of.
Eventually I calmed her down, and she told me to call her to wake her up an hour before she had to go pick up the kids. I told her I would, and we said good-bye.
“I love you, mom. Thanks for everything you’ve done for me.” She said before hanging up. I was worried about her, but I knew that she would only get mad at me if I tried to interfere. So I just shrugged it off, and went about my day. That was the last time I ever heard her voice.
Looking back on it now, I realize what she was doing. She was setting everything right, to the best of her capabilities. Howie wasn’t fit to take care of the kids, hence the reason for the whole Patrick having custody. And other tings such as the will and calling her old friends.
Well, the day went by, and soon it was two hours before the kids were to be picked up from school. I called, no answer. I called again. And again. And again. Still no answer. I began to worry. I kept calling, for a half hour. No answer. Finally I sent Chet over, to see if she was all right. And when he walked into the house again, I knew.
Oh, my poor baby. My poor poor baby. She was so young. Too young. Chet came into the house, white faced, shaking. I helped him sit down, and he put his head in his hands. He told me,
“Reggie, she’s cold. She’s so cold. I couldn’t wake her up. And the cats were going crazy…” I remember gasping, and running over to see for myself. Sure enough. There was my daughter, my youngest daughter in her bed. She looked like she was sleeping. Just sleeping. The cats around her, protective. I touched her. And I knew. My daughter was gone.
The rest happened in a blur. I called 911. They came, and I told them that my daughter was cold. I held hope that maybe she’s not dead. Maybe she’s just really sick. But as I watched them bring her out of that trailer, her head covered, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I started sobbing, I could barely hear what the medical examiner had to say. Three hours, he said. Three hours she’d been gone. They went back in, and tried to go through her things. Chet went nuts on them, grabbing her purses and her things. They were thinking a suicide. Suicide! My Sandi? Don’t be ridiculous! She had three children, two of which were still in grade school! Then I thought of it. Oh, my god! The children!
Almost robotically, I called my daughter in law at Industrial Fab. I told her to get Ronny, and to come home. She kept asking me what’s wrong, what’s wrong? I couldn’t tell her over the phone. I just told her to come home, quick. She did. And I had to tell them. After that, I barely remember much. I must have told Jill to go and get the kids from school as Ronny took control of the situation. He called Patrick, who also came running. Then the coroner was there. He asked if I wanted an autopsy. I said I did, but then Howie was there. He didn’t want an autopsy, and he was her spouse. He had final say over my baby’s remains. He wanted her cremated, immediately. Then he left.
And then my grandchildren were in my arms. I was holding them close. My two youngest grandchildren, my babies. All I had left of my Sandi. Nikki, oh she took it hard. She cried and cried. Mikey really didn’t get what was going on until later, when he asked where his mommy was. Nikki slapped him and ran outside, and I stared crying again. I don’t think I’ll ever cry that hard again. My Sandi. My baby.
After my interview was over with her, she was crying. I decided that it was enough, that I had enough for my essay. I hope that you understand the seriousness of this essay, and what It means to me. Thank you for listening. Bless.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Its the middle of the night and I cant sleep at all. I woke up with my right ear hurting like hell and my tooth screaming at me for asprin. I didnt get to bed until after midnight because Jake and I were on the phone. *sigh*
The day before yesterday we had our first fight. It was sorta stupid, because I should have laied off. I'm not going to say what the fight was about, but lets just say it was dumb. Yesterday, tensions were running a little high between him and I. Things worked out in the end, but still. I know that he's worried about me now. I've been really sick as of late. In fact, I'm always sick. And he worries about me. Worries about us. What if I never totally get better? What if he's stuck taking care of me someday? I don't want that for him.
All day yesterday I was really sick. My stomach hurt like hell and everything. So I went to the emergency room. I had O.D.ed myself on pain pills for my tooth and ear. Not on purpose, mind you. It was a build up over time. So the doc's like 'no more pain pills for today and tomorrow you can have two every three hours' I'm like WHAT?!?! Can you see I'm in PAIN here?!!?! UGH!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Friday the 13th!

lol I just realized what day it was!

Finally, a Breakthrough!

Well, its finally been settled. The 3-6 of July I will be with Jake in Iowa. His grandparents live there, and its a good middle ground. After dragging their feet, his parents finally decided to give us a little win and I'm gobbling it up. I cant wait! I'm already counting down. 19 days. 19 days until I'm in his arms again.....*fantasizes*
In other news, my kitty got fixed. My Kira wasnt too happy to go to the vet and she practically jumped into my arms when I went to get her the next day. Now, though, her stitches are starting to get infected. I'm starting to get worried. But the vet says its all right. So what ever.
Well, I'm out of school now too. It feels so good to sleep in! I sleep until about 11 and then i get up and watch tv or clean or something. No hurry. No rush to get to somewhere. No gotta do gotta go. And its GREAT! I have to admit I will get board in about a month, but for now its awesome!
I should be moving though. I mean i have a very very ambitious goal to lose 50 pounds this summer. Not doing so hot as of now. I've actually gained 5 pounds instead of lost. I know that it doesnt matter to my boyfriend or my friends, but it matters to me because I want to look good. I have all these friends who are little skinny twigs and are beautiful and I cant even look good in a dress. I want to feel good about myself. I want to feel proud when my boyfriend shows his friends and family pictures of me. I hate the way I look. I hate my stomach, my arms, my legs, and how whatever I seem to do the weight just wont come off. I hate myself. I really do. I hate myself.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Ugh I hate dentists. I'm in so much pain right now because of this stupid tooth I don't know what to do. And its not even the tooth he told me would give me problems. Its the third from the last, and man does it hurt! It feels like he took a jackhammer to it instead of that little drill thing. *sigh* if it still hurts like this tomorrow, I'm going to have to call him. He probably screwed up. I told him to just use the silver fillings, but noo. He had to use the White fillings. So now I'm in intense pain...ugh!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Past

Don't ask why I decided to write about my past. But i just felt like it. So if you don't like it, tough toolies. I need to vent.


My childhood wasn't anything really special. I lived on a farm, in the middle of nowhere, with my grandparents and brothers. My mom and dad lived in a trailer still on the property, but Howard (bio dad) didn't want us to live with them, so we lived with grandma and grandpa. My little brother, my grandmother, and I shared a bedroom until I was about 8, when my older brother graduated from high school. Then I got his room, I wasn't very thrilled though. It was another 3 years before I could sleep in there by myself, and another 4 years until I could sleep without a night light.

Before I was ten, my life was pretty normal. Living in the country meant that I had a lot of space to run around in, and when I was little I used that to my full advantage. Rain sleet or show, I was outside playing pretend of some sort. When sickness held me indoors, I watched Disney movies over and over until they were imprinted on my brain. As I grew older, I developed a love for the written word. My first book was Hop on Pop, lol. I moved up very quickly on the reading scale, reading at a 4th grade level at grade 2. but my spelling wasn’t exactly up to par, and without spell check, it still wouldn't be.

Then, when I turned ten, a disaster struck my family.

I remember that day…March 29, 2001. I had just turned 10, and my mom and dad had gone to California for awhile to see my dad’s mom. She came back with loads of presents for me, and wanted to be in every picture around. This was strange, because usually my mom was very camera shy.

That day, she came home from work late. She didn’t look too good, but I didn’t notice much. I was too busy chattering about the field trip the next day, excited to go to the zoo. She was talking to grandma about her chest pains, and how she couldn’t lift much because of them. My mom was always in the hospital for something or other. Her first open heart was when she was 25 for Pete’s sake! As she talked to my grandmother, she helped me fix my hair into two ponytails. She gave me a note for the next day, and took us to school.

“I’ll pick you up after school, rugrat.” She said, kissing me on the forehead. That was her pet name for me. Rugrat. But that was also the last thing she said to me.

Later I found out that she went home and talked to grandma for awhile longer, before calling her best friend and then going to sleep for awhile. She had told my grandma to wake her up when it was time to get us kids from school.

Hours passed. Around two, grandma called. No answer. She called again. Still no answer. After about four more tries, she sent my grandpa over. He found her in her bed, with her cats surrounding her, almost protectively. So she basically had fallen asleep and never woke up.

That day, at around two thirty, my aunt came to the school. She had been crying. I asked her where was mom, and she teared up and said, “Sleeping.” Mike said something like figures, or was it me? We went to McDonalds, a real treat at the time, then went to her house. An oddity. We never went to her house. I asked her, “What’s wrong Aunty Jill? Is it grandpa? Grandma?” she shook her head no and said wait and see.

All too soon the phone rang. Grandma wanted us to come home. So we grabbed our happy meals, and made our way out to the farm. We went through the back door, and there was someone sitting in our kitchen that I didn’t recognize. I hurried to my room and threw my stuff on the bed. Patrick, my oldest brother, came in through the garage just as I was exiting his former room. He swooped me into a hug and moved on. Grandma called us all into the living room, and Uncle Ronny was there. She, grandpa, Patrick, Uncle Ronny and Aunt Jill wrapped themselves around Mike and I.

“Mumma died.” Grandma whispered, and my heart stopped. What?

“Is this some joke?” I said in disbelief. I wanted to scream and run to the trailer, see for myself. I was only held tighter and grandma said no, and she started to cry. I knew she wasn’t lying.

How could she leave me? How could she! How DARE she! When I needed her the most? I asked myself questions like these over and over as I cried and cried and cried. Mike didn’t understand, he was only 7 at the time. He cried for maybe ten minutes, then started playing with his toys. I remember asking myself: how could he? When our worlds had just fallen apart?

I ran into my room and cried some more. Phone calls were being made, and family began filling the house. I was asked if I wanted to make any calls. I didn’t have any friends at the time, but I called Melinda anyway. I told her what happened, and hoped she would tell the rest of the class. I cried myself to sleep that night.

The next week passed in a blur. The funeral was hell. People that I didn’t know where hugging me and crying, saying I looked just like her. I ran out at one point, not able to handle the stress anymore. Patrick followed, and held me while I calmed down. I wore new clothes that we had gone to The Cities to get. A real treat. But I didn’t care. I just wanted my mom back. be continued

Last Day Of School

I'm in study time, which is basically homeroom. There are a total of 7 of us here, not including the teacher. I had just finished my Art final, and I think I did well. Today we had to take Kira in to get fixed. Poor Kira, she was so scared. And pissed. Every time I would put my hand near her cage, she'd stick her paw out and scratch me! But oh well, I understand. I bet she thought I was taking her back to the pound. Not on her life! Hell no! Never! That place was crazy! But I am worried, because of her weight. I don't know why she's so skinny. I mean, I feed her everything all the time. She will eat any type of human food possible.
Last night was kinda boring. I didn't really do anything, at all. I just sorta watched Stardust and slept. I dont know why, but I haven't been up to much lately. I just feel so tired all the time, like I just want to sleep, but cant get to sleep. Its so frustrating.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Blarg: Episode 4

A lot of things have happened in the past few days, and its only Wednesday! I know I haven't been very loyal with writing in my blog, and I hope I can get everything out before we have to go back to the gym. I'm in my Healthy Lifestyles class, and I just finished my essay/final thingy. Very boring. Basically just 3 pages of me ranting about what I've done in the past, and then finally my concluding paragraph answers the question. I hope that he gives me an A though. I really need to pass this class. And all my classes.
School is coming to a close very quickly. Tomorrow is our last day, and I have finals all day long. Today, this is the last final i actually had to do anything for. 5th and 7th hours I already took. So I'm thinking during 5th hour I'll maybe blog some more, and 7th I brought in a movie to watch. Stardust. Its is such an AWESOME movie.
All right, on Sunday was Lizz's graduation. I was going to go, I swear. I was ready and rearing, we even went to Marshfield and everything. But we didn't know where the school was. And I came down with heat stroke. Lovely, huh? So we ended up going home, and I napped for like three hours. Actually, a nap sounds pretty good right about now....Anyway, Lizz called me from her new cell phone, and we talked for like 10 minutes. I'm HOPING to have her come up this weekend for June Dairy Days. Its just the local carnival, but it may be the last chance I get to see her before she starts college. Oh, gosh, I cant believe she grew up already! It seems like yesterday we were talking about our stories, dragons, fairies and faes.
Then later that night, Jake called and we talked for awhile. the subject of this summer came up, as it usually does. I told him that I had set aside the 18-25 for him, to go wherever. My grandma still wasnt too thrilled about the idea of me going ANYWHERE, let alone to Iowa to meet his grandparents.
Time passed, with fuzzy details and boring classes. Jake finished yesterday (lucky son of a bitch, :P) and I also had to talk to the lawyer yesterday about the Easter Incident. The conclusion we came to was that the Criminal Damage to Property would be dismissed, since grandma didn't send anything in. But the Disorderly Conduct charge would not be dismissed. So I had a choice: Jail or fine? *weighs them out* I took the fine. Up to $600 worth. They're gonna let me have a payment plan, but still. thats A hell of a lot of money! I don't have that kind of money! That was the bad news. Good news is, Jake's parents came through and he talked to his grandparents about this summer. Kink in the line: the time I set aside may not work. Bummer, because I wanted to see him before court. I wont know for sure until tonight when I get home, but he's thinking about July. July will be our 6 month anniversary. Yesterday was our 5th. He really wants me to come for that, the first two weeks of July. I'm not so sure because I have to work in July. Ugh. I hate working. But now of course I have to.
At least its certain that I'm going to see him. I can't wait. I'm counting down the days. Again, like I was with prom. 14 days until the 18th, which is what I'm still hoping for.