Friday, January 9, 2009


Hello everyone. Yes, this is still my blog. Aint it perrrdy? Thanks to Spirit and Keyiu, they custom made this layout for me. I love it, thank you both very much!
Now to the posting part of this post. Happy New Year! *blows whistles, dances* Yeah no not really, this year so far has started out in the gutter, but hopefully things perk up. First of all, I should probably post my new years resolutions: (this also gives me a chance to use some of these funky awesome gadgets that Spirit did for me XD)

  • lose at least 70 lbs (currently at 227)
  • graduate (currently failing 3 classes)
  • find a steady job (lost the one at McDonalds awhile ago)
  • make 3 afghans (crochet)
  • see Jake as much as possible
  • see Spirit
  • repaint room (currently ugly with pealing paint, but thats my fault)
  • reconnect with family
As I accomplish these goals, I'll either come back to this post and highlight them or write a whole new post about them.
Recently things have been going great with Jake and I. We are as madly in love as we have ever been and have plans to see eachother for our 1 year anaversary on Feb. 4. I hope. His parents still hate my guts, why? Cose i'm poor. Yep. The well-to-do family boy meets the street wise brat. Well, I love him, and I have a lot of evidence that says he loves me too. So NEH James and Karla.
Mike, on the other hand, has not been doing so hot. I swear that kid is trying to kill himself. For instance, the past two days I've gone out and bought twelve packs of soda. One of Wild Cherry Pepsi and one of Mountan Dew Livewire. I go to school, both packs are full. I come home, gone. I'm suprised he didnt find my stash of sugar cookies. I swear sometimes he just does these things to get on my nerves. And yet I'm worried about him. He is my brother, after all. I mean I love him and I dont want to give up on him. But grandma doesnt see whats going on. Or she does and doesnt want to really see it. I dont know anymore.
School sucks. I have been missing a lot, and my techers have given up on me. They dont think I'm gonna pass. Scratch that, they are betting on me not passing. And sometimes, I think they're right. I'm just not in school enough. Three classes? i mean come on!
Health wise, I'm sicker. I have an AC seperation in my right sholder, and recently suffered a cuncussion. Yippee. I'm taking more pills than ever, and Jake is worried. I dont know what else to do though. I mean seariously. What should I do??
On a much lighter note, I've started writing again. Ish. Sorta. I have a notebook that i'm making myself write gibberish in right now hopefully one of my many random thoughts will emerge. Horray for trying.