Friday, June 20, 2008

The Countdown

Well, this is it. Slowly approching. I'm going to see Jake on the 3 of July. Got the tickets and everything. Counting down the days. Hours. Minutes. God I hope his grandparents like me. I keep thinking I'll screw up. And I'm scared. What if I say something wrong? What if I miss my bus? I...I dont know....Grandma's still trying to convince me not to go. I want to go. But I'm scared.


Jo said...

Oh bless your heart! Well, it's natural to feel this way (not that my saying that helps much) but I really hope that everything goes fabulously well! Remember to be yourself and let Jake surprise you with whatever he feels like. I usually find that when our expectations are lower, everything turns out better and we're surprised!
Thinking about you, dearie!!