Sunday, September 28, 2008

Last night I slept for the first time in days. I didnt sleep for very long or very well, but I slept. And I think that that's an improvment.
My lip prevents me from eating now though. When they numbed me up for the root canal, I bit a big hole in my cheek without knowing. So now I'm kinda screwed for the next week or two until the damn thing heals. I try to eat but it doesnt really work. It hurts too much. *sigh*
Tomorow I have an appointment with Dr. I Have No Idea What You're Talking About. His names Gadabo or something, but he's one of those that I cant understand a word he's saying. And what I do understand is about Michael. Michael Michael Michael. The kid that tried to kill me a few times and wants to see me dead. Everyone wants to help him. But when i need help I better just shut the hell up.
Three days until I talk to him again. I have a feeling that that'll be the last time. *sigh* he is just too confused and I dont need to be waiting around for him forever. I love him dearly, but this is rediculous. I developed the pictures. I didnt look at them, just got them developed. And then I put them back in the box. I took out the CD he made me, and listened to it. It helped me stay calm while they were working on my teeth. Isnt it wierd that I still find comfort in the one man that hurt me the most?
I supose I should go clean my room, grandma has been yelling at me to do so for weeks now. I applied at Timbers, a bar and grill in the neighboring town. I think they'll hire me, for now at least. Mostly because they're desperate. Its wedding season and they're booked until Thanksgiving. At least it'll be a job for awhile. Suposedly I'd be making good tips. I guess after that I could go and try to ask for my job back at McDonalds. I'm just to broken right now to hold a steady job. I dont do much good anywhere. *sigh*


wasted_time said...

I always bite my lip or my cheek when they numb me. :/

Jo said...

whoa now let me just tell me that you do allot of good and that often times it's very hard for you to see that... but i see it ok? and I'm proud of you... you've got so many things going on right now... give yourself some grace, alrighty? ;)