Friday, March 21, 2008

Administrator Nikka!

On Spirits Home, the owner-Spirit-has been having some difficulties keeping up with everything. So I have been bugging her to become an admin to assist her and Branth. Finally after much thought she gave me the job. Though I'm still in training, I'm very happy that I can FINALLY help out on the website. Oh sure I've been doing little jobs here and there, such as greeting newbies and all that good random stuff. But I am so glad that I finally can actually help out with the maintenance of the site and really make a difference. Thank you, Spirit. You are the best!


SariaTheNewMom-To-Be said...

Im So Happy For you and i got a Blogger cuz i needed to vent without putting Spirit at Risk

Spirit said...

Lol, no worries Crystal. I know you'll do an excelent job. I am capable of keeping up on SH it's just grown so big so quickly I"m having a bit of a time playing catch up.

Hi Saria! No worries via the venting.