Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Newest Moocher and the Fight

Well ok i wouldnt call Jessica a moocher but David sure is. Jess just got kicked out of her house because her father's an ass. Well, thats not uncommon around here. I havnt met a dad that's half way decent in my entire life. Anyway, so she's moved in with me for awhile. I highly doubt that it'll last long but still its a pain in my ass because David is also living with me at the moment and guess what they like to do? Fuck. Over and over and over. I never get to see Jess. We were trying to watch a movie and half way through they got horny and went into David's room and they've been there for over an hour. I'm really pissed because I thought that this ment that i'd be seeing more of my friend. Since i dont have many left that i can actually talk to.

This morning i had a fight with my grandma about going to see my boyfriend. Ok sure i understand her fears. People get abducted all the time and never come home. But I really dont think (i hope) that Jake's that type. He SEEMS ligit. I've known him for almost ever and we met through Spirit. Who i trust with my life. but maybe i'm just too trusting? maybe i should just heed my grandmother's words?


Jo said...

Well you're certainly not alone! :)
I hate it when I need to talk to someone desperately and no one's around... blogging has opened up doors for many friends but I haven't met any of you! I've one friend and we've known each other literally ever since we were born but she lives in Texas so we don't see each other that often.
I'm sorry you felt so down, Nikki. Keep on writing!

Spirit said...

*waves to Jo* I'm sorry I'm not around more Dearie to help you out, I really wished we lived closer together but since I don't I have only one bit of advice that I can offer. I even take this bit.

It's better to have loved and learned than never to have loved at all. Your heart may hurt and be unsure at times but you'll never learn who you can and can't trust unless you walk some paths and make some mistakes along the way.