Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me...yeah right

Today is my 18th birthday. Whoope. I woke up with severe pain in my mouth from having my wisdom teeth remeoved on Wednesday and tomorrow Jake will no longer be my boyfriend. To top it all off, its Valentines Day. See, thats why I hate my birthday. I always get giped in some way or another. And now the one person that means the world to me is no longer going to be there for me because he has to be stupid and 'need space'. I just wish that it didnt have to be right now because...well, maybe it is better if it were now. I honestly dont want him to leave at all, but I understand his need. I just love him so much. I'm going to miss him something terrable, and I won't even be able to talk to him for a month. Of course thats my planing, but still.