Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Wisdom Teeth

Well, the next few days are going to be hell. I have my wisdom teeth out in the morning so i'm going to not even be able to crochet for the next few days (cries) but at least I'll be able to get some sleep and relax for awhile. I really need to do that more often. After the 15th, I'll be posting a lot more, because I wont have Jake to talk to anymore. *sigh* Really dont want to think about it now, but meh.


Jenn said...

If you see this before you go to the dentist..put ice (or have someone put ice if you're out) on your face *right away*. I mean as soon as possible after you get them out. My mom did this for me when I had all four of mine cut out and there was very little swelling. Good luck!